Friday, January 21, 2011

Prompt 5-8

#5. Think of various cultural, religions, political, personal, scientific associations and symbols of “light” and “darkness”. Discuss some that come to mind.
Good v. Bad, Night v. Day. Light has always had a positive attribute associated with it while dark has had the opposite, negative. People can see in light but not in darkness so light gives a sense of comfort. Darkness puts people in an on guard feeling, heightened senses. As photographers we understand this need to control light as well as confront darkness to get there.

#6 Think of some experiences that you have had in which you felt a sense of “lightness”. Describe one or some of these experiences.
Other then turning on the lights in the darkroom? Ha Waking up at noon on the weekends. Last memory would be the darkness in  my room as I lay down to sleep then wake up to blinding  rays of sunlight. 

#7. Think of some experiences that you have had in which you felt a sense of “darkness”. Describe one or some of these experiences.
Take #6 and reverse it.

#8 From the reading on light and shadow, pick an artist/photographer whose work inspires you. Describe why you like her/his work.
Adam Fuss was the photographer who made the photogram of the rabbit. What I liked the best was how the acids from the intestines of the rabbit burned colors into photo. 

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