Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Prompts 17 & 18

17. Looking at the advances of photography currently like HD video, a bazillion megapixels, crazy live view, etc. The technologies will advance, perhaps a way to get super high res shots but minimal storage capability. Easier and quicker RAW processes, faster fps, smaller/lighter cameras, blah. Photoshop in camera (or at least basic photoshop processes). Product photography will disappear with the rise of CGI. Lifestyle will always remain. Cameras will turn into accessories, something to put on your keychain. Custom decorations, multicolored, personalized cameras will arise. Cameras in phones will become SLR quailty and we'll all wonder why we every bought the cameras we have today. For photography itself though. I feel like cameras are being used to capture everything (but then again someone said this 30 years ago and was wrong). So what is going to be the focus for photographers? What will be my focus? Things that one cannot see in an everyday scenario,  where can a camera go that a person cannot? Whatever the photographers imagination has in store will remain a focus. All I'm saying though. Polaroids need to come back (and be cheap). Lady Gaga might have done that already though:

18. Photography is the ability to capture light. It is the ability to capture moments in time and store them in an unforgettable fashion.

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