Thursday, February 17, 2011

Missy Gaido Allen

Born: 1968 Houston, Texas
Study: University of Iowa (Fine Arts)

In her "Iowa Spring" photo series she photographed flowers with a shallow depth of field with black and white chemicals to produce high contrast negatives and prints. For film developing, she used Rodinal, agitated constantly, and stressed everything by 15-20%. To print she used a 4x5 enlarger with a Zone VI VC cold light head and Dektol developer. Her motivation for these shots was too "reclaim her sanity." Living in Texas and moving to Iowa was quite a shock to her especially getting used to the winter. Spring to Allen was a very short time of year and she did her best to take full advantage of it. Her low angles make the flowers seem taller then they are giving them a powerful emotion feel. She pushes the beauty of the flower, taking a simple element and stressing its color. These saturated shots show her freedom of the dull and dreary winter she was experiencing. I like the use of colors and lack of focus. To me it generates a taste palette, more painting then photograph. All the defined lines of a flower don't need to be exposed to recognize an image of a flower. It's more beautiful to look at these representations of plants because they have a daydreamy, semi childish feel to them like its the first time you focused your eyes on the outdoors.
(for more images)

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