Friday, April 1, 2011

Prompt 25


Where to display these images? This is the hardest question yet for me. I didn't know what shopdropping was, that is a pretty nifty idea but I don't think my work is quite appropriate for it/the legalities of doing it is something I don't want to mes with. For me it might be cool to hang these images in the area in which they were taken. AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT IN A GALLERY. ok had to say that. I'd like to see these used in advertisements in magazines or pushed further and used in television ads. Maybe with something like "don't let a mind go to waste" type ordeal. Again going with the TV ad, put the concept into a music video (something someone might actually watch).

1 comment:

sarahjaneb said...

could you make them short moving posters? using stop-motion animation and them project them onto the spaces?