Monday, February 21, 2011

Prompt 19

1. I ensure that my work is relevant to me by shooting images of things I find interesting. As bland as an answer that sounds I think that's what really does it for me. I try and take pictures of of subjects that I would want to see everyday.
2. I cannot say if I ensure that my work is relevant to the "contemporary world". If I see a style of somebody else work that I enjoy, I might try to mimic it. Does this make my material fit into the art style around it? Perhaps it does. As long as more then just myself enjoy my work, I am content.
3. Brainstorming is not my forte. I do brainstorm but don't really get good records of my thought process. I wake up in the middle of the night and write things down that I think of. I have various sticky notes with scribbles of things I want to shoot. Almost everyday I will have a folded up wad of paper in my back pocket that I will use if an idea happens to float by. With the help of digital photography, I do brainstorm with the camera. Why not? Shoot something now, come back to it later. I like to have images work as notes for me. But again I am bad at keeping track of my visual notes.
4. Well for my thesis I have been experimenting with the mixture of doodles and photos. I haven't considered mixing genres outside of the digital frontier but seeing some of my peers projects makes me wonder what I could do. I use digital for this procedure because it is what I am most comfortable with even if my technique isn't always handsome.
5. I think my process and my work are very much connected... in a bad way. I am very loose minded and the majority of my work does relate in content to each other but in a more sporadic parallel with the ideas that flow through me. This is bad because it for me I never know when a piece is finished. When I throw in the towel other people might say "you could also do this."
6. Oh dear, going back to question five. To me things are working when I'm still smiling. If I'm not happy then it isn't working. I am biased to my own but open for critique. Usually at this phase of my life, by the time I am given help, I have already closed the book on the project.
7.I'd like to say that I am  pushing limits but the more I StumbleUpon, the more I see new examples of photography that is pushing my limits.

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